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Avv. Prof. Associato Dr. Emre Cumalıoğlu, LL.M.

After graduating from Law Faculty, Dr. Emre Cumalıoğlu completed his master's degree on the thesis of "Publishing agreements", a topic merging contract and intellectual property law, while working as a lawyer. 


His doctoral dissertation, which led to the title of "Doctor" in the field of private law, was on the "Contract on Common Carriage of Goods by Sea" dealing with container transportation in the field of maritime trade.


Dr. Emre Cumalıoğlu has taught at the Law Faculty of Yaşar University as well as in several other law faculties.  Sales Contracts, Lease Contracts, Law of Obligations, Property Law, Law of Persons, Inheritance Law, Consumer Law, and Family Law were just some of the courses he taught. 

Besides contracts, he also fulfilled academic studies on personal rights, animal rights, gender recognition, individuals with psycho-social disabilities, and copyrights. 


With a scholarship provided by the Swiss Confederation, he researched at the Swiss Comparative Law Institute. Jointly with his research, he wrote his associate professorship thesis on "Anticipatory Breach of Contracts", relevant especially in international sales contracts and construction contracts within the scope of CISG, following other projects he obtained the title of "Associate Professor of Civil Law". 


Currently, he is still teaching lectures especially on Contracts and Intellectual Property law at undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels. 

Dr. Emre Cumalıoğlu, who holds three monographic books, national book chapters, co-authored textbooks and papers in multiple areas, is actively involved in the solution of legal problems in practice. 

He believes that theory and practice go hand in hand and provides consultancy, especially within the scope of preventive (protective) law.




A. Books and Book Chapters


A.1. Monographies


  1. Anticipatory Breach according to the Turkish Code of Obligations CISG and Comparative Law, On İki Levha, İstanbul 2019.

  2. Publishing Contracts, On İki Levha, İstanbul 2018.

  3. Contracts on Carriage of Goods by Sea, Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara 2011.


A.2. Text Books



  1. Case Studies on Law of Obligations General Provisions, Zevkliler Medeni Hukuk Pratik Çalışma Serisi – 5, 1. Basım, Vedat Kitapçılık, İstanbul 2021.

  2. Case Studies on Civil Law, Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara 2019 (ZEVKLİLER/HAVUTCU/ALBAŞ/SERDAR/ACABEY/GÜRPINAR/CUMALIOĞLU, Emre)

  3. Case Studies on Law of Persons and Family Law, Barış Yay., İzmir 2014 (ERTAŞ, Şeref/CUMALIOĞLU, Emre)

  4. Law of Obligations, Barış Yay., İzmir 2013 (ZEVKLİLER, Aydın/ERTAŞ, Şeref/HAVUTÇU, Ayşe/AYDOĞDU, Murat/CUMALIOĞLU, Emre)


A.3. Book Chapters


  1. An Evaluation on the Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic Disease according to Anticipatory Breach and International Sales of Goods, COVID-19 Salgınının Hukuki Boyutu, ss.509-522, Oniki Levha, İkinci Bası, İstanbul 2021.

  2. Legal Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic Disease on Lease Contracts, COVID-19 Salgınının Hukuki Boyutu, ss.523-532, Oniki Levha, İkinci Bası, İstanbul 2021.

  3. Legal Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic Disease on Private Law Contracts : An Evaluation on Impossibility, Frustration, Adaptation and exceptio non adimpleti, COVID-19 Salgınının Hukuki Boyutu, ss.409-416, Oniki Levha, İkinci Bası, İstanbul 2021.

  4. The Notion of Justice in The Merchant of Venice, Chapter 28, IDEA: English Studies, Ed. Evrim Doğan ADANUR, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle 2011 (GEYİKLER – Terci, Tuba; CUMALIOĞLU, Emre)


B. Articles

  1. Deprivation of Liberty for the Purpose of Protection : A Focus on Suitable Institution Problem, Especially for Individuals with Psychosocial Disabilities, Journal of İzmir Bar, Year 86, Issue 1, January 2021, ISSN 1305-757X, ss. 15-5 (ULAKBİM). 

  2. Animal Rights and Rights on Animals in Civil Law, Dokuz Eylül University Law Rewiev Cilt:19 – Özel Sayı: Prof. Dr. Şeref Ertaş’a Armağan 2017  Cilt: 1, ss. 573-610 ISSN: 1303 – 6963 (ULAKBİM)

  3. Aesthetic and Sterilisation Surgeries as Requirements for Legal Gender Recognition of Transsexuals : Is Article 40 of the Turkish Civil Code Unconstitutional?, İstanbul Kültür University Law Rewiev, Cilt:15 – Sayı:2 Temmuz 2016 – Prof. Dr. M. İlhan Ulusan’a Armağan – Cilt: 1, Seçkin Yay., 2016. (ULAKBİM)

  4. The Limits of the Subject Matter and the Scope of the Contracts on the Extinction of Debt, Uluslararası Antalya University Law Rewiev, Cilt 4, Sayı 7, Haziran 2016, ss. 105-128 (ULAKBİM)

  5. The Conditions for the Seller’s Liability from Defected Goods according to the Code on Consumer Protection No: 6502, Terazi Law Rewiev, Cilt 9, Özel Sayı, Kasım 2014, ss. 20-29

  6. The Validity of Contracts on Immoral Intellectual or Artistic Works, Bahçeşehir University Law Rewiev, Cilt 9, Sayı 115-116, Mart-Nisan 2014, ss. 47-70 (ULAKBİM)

  7. Personal Right to Scientific Publication on Archeological Artifacts, Articles to the Honor of Prof. Dr. Aydın Zevkliler, Journal of Yasar University, 2013, Cilt I, ss.735-784.

  8. New Provisions and Amendments for Publishing Agreements in the Turkish Code of Obligations, Articles to the Honor of Prof. Dr. Mustafa Dural, p.389, Filiz Kitabevi İstanbul 2013. (Hakemli Makale) (CUMALIOĞLU, Emre; ERVERDİ Zeynep)

  9. An Evaluation on the Draft of the Animal Protection Act, Journal of Bilimsel Temyiz, Sayı 2, October 2012, p. 186-187,

  10. Legal Sanction for the Violation of the Procedure of the Call for General Assembly Meetings of Stock Companies in the Light of Yargıtay’s (Supreme Court) Decisions, Journal of Bilimsel Temyiz , No: 1, May 2012, page. 35-43

  11. The Provisions of New Code of Obligations on the Sale of Mobile Goods”, Journal of Hukuk Düzlemi Law Journal, No: 4-5, April 2012, p. 9-10.

  12. Legal Nature of the Carrier’s Right to Determine the Ship in the Contract of Common Carriage of Goods by Sea”, The Journal of Law Faculty ofDokuz Eylül Üniversity, Volume 10, No: 2, page. 65-98, 2010, ISSN: 1303-6963.. (ULAKBİM)

  13. The Exclusive Power of Turkish Courts,Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Courts’ Decisions”, The Journal of Law Faculty of Erciyes University, Volume 3, No: 2, page. 431-448, 2008, ISSN : 1306 -3839. (ULAKBİM)




A. Presentations

  1. Gender Transition according to the Turkish Civil Code, ELSA Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Farkındalık Konferansı, İzmir Barosu Konferans Salonu, İzmir, 29.02.2020.

  2. Animal Rights, İzmir Barosu Hayvan Hakları Çalıştayı, İzmir Barosu Konferans Salonu, İzmir, 02.11.2019.

  3. An Evaluation on Licence Provisions of Youtube User’s Contract according to Turkish Law, İzmir 5. Uluslararası Bilişim Hukuku Kurultayı  , 2-3 Kasım 2018, İzmir Ticaret Odası, 03.11.2018.

  4. Yeni Teknolojik, Sosyal gelişmeler ve Taşınır Mülkiyetinin Aslen Kazanılmasına İlişkin Hükümler, 4. Uluslararsı Hukuk Konferansı, 3-4-5 Mayıs 2018, Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat Üniversitesi, 4.05.2018.

  5. Deprivation of Liberty for the Purpose of Protection, İzmir Medeni Hukuk Günleri II Aile Hukuku Sempozyumu 27-28 Nisan 2018, İzmir Barosu Av. Nevzat Erdemir Konferans Salonu, 28.04.2018.

  6. Some Questions on Authorship and Copyrights on Immoral and Obscene Works, International Workshop on Intellectual Property Law in Perspective of Economic Growth and Wealth Creation, Jointly organized by Ankara University and Queen Mary University of London, İzmir Turkey, August 16-19, 2017.

  7. Sosyal Medya ve Kişiliğin Korunması, İzmir Barosu “Sosyal Medyada Suç Kavramı ve Kişilik Hakları Paneli”, 9 Nisan 2015.

  8. Matematik ve Adalet, İzmir Yönder Okulları, 19 Mart 2015 (Yrd. Doç. Dr. Refet Polat ile birlikte).

  9. A Comparative Study on Anticipatory Breach of Contracts, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (Room von Overbeck), 19 August 2014.

  10. İbra Sözleşmesi, Aşkın Zarar İlişkisi, Koç Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Medeni Hukuk Genç Akademisyenler Sempozyumu, 12 Haziran 2014.

  11. Ayıplı Maldan Sorumluluğun Koşulları, Yaşar Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi 1. Tüketici Hukuku Sempozyumu, 25 Nisan 2014

  12. Buluntu Üzerinde Bilimsel Yayım Hakkı, Arkeologlar Derneği İstanbul Şubesi Konferansları, 15 Şubat 2014 İstanbul.

  13. Protection of Personality in European Countries: A Comperative Study (Avrupa Ülkelerinde Kişilik Haklarının Korunması), Valencia University Law Faculty, 20th September 2013, Valencia-Spain.

  14. Some Professional Rights of Archeologists, Theoric Archeology Group’s Meeting in Turkey, 10th May 2013, İzmir.

  15. Right and Animal, 2. Animal Rights Symposium, 26th April 2013, Yaşar University, İzmir (with Dilek Tıkız).

  16. Tenkis Davası ve Tenkiste Sıra, Turkish Bar Assosication – Bar of Aydın, Seminar on Inheritence Law, 01st December 2012 Aydın.

  17. Kistik Ekinokokkozla Mücadelede Hukuki Çözüm Önerileri, Kistik Ekinokokkoz Symposium, 17-18 May 2012, Celal Bayar University, Manisa.

  18. The Notion of Justice in The Merchant of Venice, 5th International IDEA Conference: Studies in English, 14-16 April 2010, Atılım University, Ankara

  19. Eviction of Pets from Houses, 1. Animal Rights Symposium, 25-26 May 2010, Yaşar University, İzmir (with Mertkan Uçkan)


B. Thesis Supervisor

  1. The Work Nature of Video Games According to Turkish Code on Scientific and Artistic Works, Güney Yılmaz, LL.M. thesis, 2020.

  2. Bringing the goods carried by sea within the container to the customs territory of Turkey and the end of the carrier's charge, Begüm İlçayto, LL.M. thesis, 2019 (Co-Supervisor)

  3. Exhaustion of Rights on Patents, Ayşın Akyarlı Savatlı, LL.M. thesis, 2016.

  4. Legal Effects of Constructor’s Default on Third Parties, Onur Altınkan, LL.M. thesis, 2015.

  5. Evaluation of changes in computer programs in the scope of intellectual Property Law, Tuğba Akdemir Kamalı, LL.M. thesis, 2014.

  6. The Consequences Of The Termination Of Engagement, Mehmet Salih Ünaldı, LL.M. Project, 2014.

  7. Voluntary Disclaimer of Inheritance, Ceyda Şakrak, LL.M. Project, 2014.

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